Users testing Web design 2
This were the progress of my redesign website, the brand called Cellnique,
if got any comment/ suggestion on the website,please tell me and also answer
some question below:
1. Is the website is attractive to you to buy this product?
2. What feeling that the website bring to you?
3. What is the website telling about ?
4. Is the website very hard to navigate?
5. Do you think is easy for 1st time users to go surf this website ?
6. How is the design ?
7. More suggestion
there were 2 word on the middle in the page, when the user
point on the word it will glow and lead the user to either this
2 page: Main page & Problem Page
In this webpage, the bottom bar is the button that can
goto the another page and when you put your cursor on it
it will rollout some photo and simple discribe.

When after you press the button of prooduct, it will drop
down a bar that can let you to see the product of this company
And it will popout and show what is the benefit of this product

In this page, it will show to you about what the problem can
be solve/ come from, i make it easy to understand and make the
word more shorten so that the user can read it easily.
For this webpage, i try to make it simple as possible and
try to make the users east to know where to go and how to go
to this company and get it .
and i change the arrangement of the button so that it
look more interesting for the users.
I change the layout to become more elegent and simple feeling,
after the user press the word in the bar it will show some information
about the comapny and some award photo that this compant won.
*Artwork below are merely for academy purpose only*